Lockout Tagout Services in the UK & Ireland
Improve the Safety of Your People and Energised Assets with a Better Lockout Tagout Program
Energy sources, including electrical, mechanical, hydraulic, pneumatic, chemical, thermal, and others, can be hazardous to employees, contractors, and the overall performance of your energised assets.
The isolation process, known in industry as lockout tagout, isolates machinery and equipment from its energy source. It is essential to isolate any unsafe machinery/equipment from potential uncontrolled energy sources during repair, service, or maintenance work.
Properly documented and implemented lockout tagout procedures can help prevent unexpected energisation or release of hazardous energy and protect your employees from injury. Safeguard your people and assets by enlisting our support to build or enhance your complete Lockout Tagout (LOTO) program (also known as lock out tag out, isolation, or energy control procedures)
Let's talk today!
Comprehensive Lockout Tagout Services
SEAM Group can develop your lockout tagout program and serve as a safety advisor and delivery partner. We can be part of your entire journey or support you with any of the following services wherever you need:
- LOTO Assessment: Our LOTO gap assessment follows best practices and requirements defined by EU Directive & Guidelines 89/655, local, and internal requirements and policies. During the site visit, our experts review your current LOTO Program and procedures with your team to develop a report with key findings and recommendations.
- LOTO Policy: Whether you need to develop a brand new LOTO Policy or revamp your existing one, our team of experts will help. The process begins with acquiring and reviewing your asset list, policies, and documents. We will then perform a site verification and develop a written program to meet your internal requirements, and EU Directive & Guidelines 89/655 as applicable.
- LOTO Procedures: These procedures are the most critical aspect of your overall LOTO program. SEAM Group will write detailed LOTO procedures for equipment on your site to protect your employees from injury related to the unexpected energisation or release of hazardous energy. You can safeguard your people and assets by enlisting our support to build or enhance your complete Lockout Tagout (LOTO) program, also known as lock out tag out, isolation, energy control procedures, or lock out tag out try out.
a. Asset name and location
b. The number and type of isolation points (energy sources)
c. Instructions on lockout and tagout the equipment, making it safe for maintenance activities.
d. Instructions on how to de-isolate the equipment.
e. Supporting pictures and images for extra guidance.
f. QR tags for each asset, with access to the LOTO procedure (through our LOTO app).
- Periodic LOTO Inspections: When we develop your LOTO program, you receive templates and audit sheets to guide your periodic inspection process and frequency. If you need our help addressing inspection gaps in your current LOTO program, we would like to provide you with the tools and guidance necessary to meet compliance requirements and boost program effectiveness. Additionally, a SEAM Group safety professional can come to your facility to assist with periodic inspections and compliance documentation.
- LOTO Training: With effective and timely training, you can turn your lockout tagout program investment into a driver of your mission-critical safety, compliance, and reliability outcomes. We offer in-person, live webinar, and self-paced options to meet your onboarding and scheduling needs. Our training solutions include:
a. Authorised person trainingb. Affected employee training
c. Contractor protocols
d. Guidance for retraining needs
e. Custom training program development
- Digital LOTO: ViewPoint, our proprietary technology solution, helps to digitally transform your LOTO program by enabling you to centralise the creation, editing, and management of procedures and expiration dates so your people can access updated procedures at the point of work via QR code scanning.
Our SEAM Group End-to-End Lockout Tagout Approach

The control of hazardous energy is a continuous improvement journey.
Developing and leveraging a comprehensive LOTO program is critical to the safety and success of your people and operations. However, controlling hazardous energy at your facility is a journey rather than a destination. Changes in regulations, equipment, processes, business demands, and workforce will frequently require you to revisit one or more of the critical components of your program.

You’ll notice immediate, high-impact benefits, including:
- Enhanced LOTO procedures to improve safety and reduce the risk of accidents
- Detailed instructions on how to isolate equipment
- Improved education for employees on LOTO hazards
- Avoid regulatory and compliance-related citations
- A structured LOTO strategy across your organization
- Safer equipment servicing and maintenance
With team members located in the UK, Ireland, and across Europe SEAM Group is well-positioned to provide services for your facilities all across Europe and the world.